Our Connection With Animals

Historically speaking the earliest revered Gods were based on nature and animals. Starting with the sun, God, moon, wind, rain and fire, early man also worshipped animals with the desire to possess their power. Ancient civilisations had such deities as the Owl of Athena and eagle of Zeus, while elephant headed Ganesha is a deity in Hindu mythology. The dove is featured in in Christian iconography and even today still represents peace.

Our identification with totems relates to an essence of a creature that we resonate with. For me, it is a butterfly as it symbolises transformation. Even sporting groups use animal mascots as their good luck symbols. Unfortunately, while we revere animals, we also seem to underestimate them.

When humans tamed animals, such as the horse, human were able to advance more rapidly. Likewise, with the domestication of dogs and cats, we formed a partnership that endures to today. If you are a pet owner, you will understand how they are able to fill a void or give comfort in companionship. They can demonstrate timing insights and location radars, serve as guides and help heal us.

Our relationship is enduring for good reason. Some people even consider animals as guardians. Many stories over the centuries testify how all types of animals have demonstrated great trust, intelligence, bravery, loyalty and are the greatest example of unconditional love. Our connection has even seen animals risk their lives for us humans. Yet, again, I say we humans underestimate them. Christmas is a time to share in the spirit of giving and of appreciating one another.

For anyone feeling somewhat superior to animals, there is the response from science with firm validation of mice sharing 97.5% of human DNA. Indeed, much animal behaviour reflects that they know how to do at least one thing better than us, by being more able to forgive. Which is why we need to protect and highly value all animals. They can teach us all about unconditional love.