Improving Mental Health

We live in a world with so many opportunities, but on World Mental Health Day I’m mindful how almost half of us are affected by mental health issues. As an example, depression is expected to rank second in global disease issues by 2020. And though we’re promoting greater awareness of the mental health dilemma, stigma and discrimination prevail.

It comes as no surprise that with the need to attain greater goods and status, there is increased pressure to conform, achieve and succeed on every level. Expectations can cause silent distress and insecurities; often leading to anxieties, avoidance, a sense of failure and depression.

You may have heard about the butterfly effect in relation to how the flapping of butterfly wings can lead to a storm on the opposite side of the globe. The scientist who first proposed this concept really meant how a small repeated event in some place in time and space can lead to a more dramatic unpredictable system of chaos elsewhere.

This means that small variances in one thing can have dramatic impact in large ways elsewhere. While we tend to perceive this negatively, we can use this principle to benefit all.

Symbolism of hope

We can make a difference by being kind whenever we can. Even a simple kindness ‘flap’ repeated when possible can have a dramatic effect. Imagine how this positively impacts those who experience a mental health issue. Compassion is also a major factor in healing and in improving our mental health.

Consider also the transformative symbolism of the butterfly and how it can help change our perceptions. Like the butterfly locked in a cocoon, we may at times feel like we are bound and caught up by life. And then, the butterfly is revealed! It may only take a little self kindness to help us emerge with a sense of emotional freedom, beauty, grace and even joy.

I’ll share more of how we can transform our lives and reveal how our thoughts relate to our life experiences in my upcoming program. Register today if you’d like to know more.